I think I am someone who is caught between reality and dreams. These two are extreme ends in life for me right now. I do not know if they would ever intersect for me. They may, they may not.
All my life, right from childhood I have just been looking towards my dreams; building new dreams every other day.
They have been growing with me, changing with me, taking new shapes with new realizations. They have grown a thick haze in front of me that I cannot imagine a life beyond them. A life without these dreams is no life for me. I have
grown up with hopes that one day these dreams will turn into reality and life would be wonderful forever. This has
been my outline of a happy life. When I look at this life, it seems so cheerful, so full of fun. It seems to me to
be my only path to eternal joy.
But now I am feeling tired of chasing these dreams. I have been running all the while, but still they seem distant.
The distance seems to be forever the same. Tired, I turned around to look at reality. It was so close. I can just
reach out for it. It has probably been following me all the while I was running behind my dreams. It is smiling at
me. But it does not look so cheerful and happy , especially when I look at it after looking at my dreams. It has a
smile I cannot decipher, but I am feeling scared ot it. I don’t understand what it means. It eludes me. Not knowing
what reality is makes it more and more scary. And I tend to run away from it.
But now where do I go? Dreams seem forever away and Reality is scary. Do I settle for reality or do I continue my
chase for my dreams hoping they would one day turn into a sweet reality?